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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dowloadable sweet dreams??

I found this article about a machine to program dreams. You input photos, music, scents and set the time. One key thing I got is that the user must have already a mental image about the idea he wants to dream about. Say I want to be an astronaut, I load the image of a spacewalk and I imagine myself doing it.

I bet there will be companies packaging 'dreams'; want to be a rock star? download the Aerosmith package... Want to be Physicist? Download the Einstein package and so on. The possibilities could be endless. Future generations could have an interface with iTunes or Flickr.

Now, what if the machine loops? or mixes up the images? Will the mind detect that "hey, already dreamed this?? and create a different dream for each iteration of the loop? will the repetition gets you on the deeper state of unconsciousness?

Studies have shown the mind cannot distinguish from what happened vs what was imagined; could this machine implant a thought into my mind, something like training me on a skill, a-la Matrix? That would require a more physical interface to my mind other than just the sound and scents.

Well... I can dream, can't I?

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Thursday, November 1, 2007


At the PixelCorps we had a challenge to modify a photo in Photoshop and turn them into a scary picture...

Here's my entry (click on the image for a bigger pic)

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Friday, September 14, 2007

An Internet love story

There are times when Life imitates art, but there are also times when Art imitates life. I've been working on ideas to write my script and reading articles on the web. I tend to gravitate towards the technological magazines, because the story is set on the Future.

This article 'An IM Infatuation Turned to Romance. Then the Truth Came Out. ' impressed me a lot because of the elements of Greek tragedy. The protagonist, John is bored with his suburban life. He seems to have it all but obviously there was something missing. There's nothing wrong to try to spice up ones life or to have the urge to aspire to something more or something bigger than our current state of affairs. The problems start when the first step when embarking on such journey, begins with a lie.

Several ideas where triggered after reading the article. The internet provides a way to be in touch with people miles away but with this comes also the anonymity and the possibility of assuming an alter-ego. How do I know, when meeting someone online for the first time that they are who they say they are?.

I'm an eternal optimist and tend to trust people rather quickly. I'm no longer on the dating circles but I can only imagine how scary it could be for the people out there to constantly fight the nagging feeling of doubt when someone looks to-good-to-be-true. On the above story, she provided him with items that supported his perception of interacting with who she said she was. He did too, some of the comments point out that phrases he used were not accurate but something that I've learned and I used on the visual effects is that "it doesn't need to be realistic, it just has to look realistic to convince the audience". All the proofs she provide him with would have been enough for me to believe her... now, that's scary.

Another idea was that for some people is easier to connect with total strangers than with people they could meet face to face. I have a friend who in real life is very quite and very rare he would say something nice to me or to anyone. But when we're chatting online, he is very talkative and expressive. What is it that makes us braver when behind a veil of anonymity? Is it the fact the our interlocutor can't see our face and we can get away with more?

I'm sure someone in Hollywood already has the rights for this and we should be getting this story, or something very close to it in at least the shape of the Movie-of-the-week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Welcome to my first post

Hi, my name is Arturo and my nickname is R2 (as in R2-D2... yes...Star Wars fan)

This is my first posting in english. I have my other blog in spanish that I used mainly to publish pictures for the grandparents.

Here are the more open-to-the-public thoughts that I have. Some will be funny anecdotes, some might be just rants or some might be controversial (those who know me for sometime, know that I tend to stir-the-pot often)

Well, I've been reading this book 'The portable film school' and it contains assignments as you progress thru the book. One of them requires me to write an eight-page script about 2 20-somethings that meet at a Funeral home. Yes, the least likely of all places to find love.

During the conversations that the 2 characters have they touch on the subjects of 'let-downs' or the typical phrases that one would say to avoid telling the truth. Examples of these include 'I'm not telling no, just I want you to wait for a bit' or 'This hurts me more that it hurts you' or 'it's not you, it's me' you know the ones.

Chatting with friends I was wondering, why is it that we lie? is half of a truth a lie? do we lie because we want to avoid the resulting conflict? or do we prefer to lie to try to make the other person feel good?

Share your thoughts for these questions. Thanks for reading me.