Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Welcome to my first post

Hi, my name is Arturo and my nickname is R2 (as in R2-D2... yes...Star Wars fan)

This is my first posting in english. I have my other blog in spanish that I used mainly to publish pictures for the grandparents.

Here are the more open-to-the-public thoughts that I have. Some will be funny anecdotes, some might be just rants or some might be controversial (those who know me for sometime, know that I tend to stir-the-pot often)

Well, I've been reading this book 'The portable film school' and it contains assignments as you progress thru the book. One of them requires me to write an eight-page script about 2 20-somethings that meet at a Funeral home. Yes, the least likely of all places to find love.

During the conversations that the 2 characters have they touch on the subjects of 'let-downs' or the typical phrases that one would say to avoid telling the truth. Examples of these include 'I'm not telling no, just I want you to wait for a bit' or 'This hurts me more that it hurts you' or 'it's not you, it's me' you know the ones.

Chatting with friends I was wondering, why is it that we lie? is half of a truth a lie? do we lie because we want to avoid the resulting conflict? or do we prefer to lie to try to make the other person feel good?

Share your thoughts for these questions. Thanks for reading me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Dont Look at me! I know not of such things master Yoda, but 10 cents would be... a Lie is a Lie, a Half Truth is an omission of information, depending on the receptor and the intention of the information it Can be a Lie.. but I guess it depends... sorry Im kind of rusty on my philosophical mind paths :-)

September 19, 2007 at 7:55 PM  

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