Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dowloadable sweet dreams??

I found this article about a machine to program dreams. You input photos, music, scents and set the time. One key thing I got is that the user must have already a mental image about the idea he wants to dream about. Say I want to be an astronaut, I load the image of a spacewalk and I imagine myself doing it.

I bet there will be companies packaging 'dreams'; want to be a rock star? download the Aerosmith package... Want to be Physicist? Download the Einstein package and so on. The possibilities could be endless. Future generations could have an interface with iTunes or Flickr.

Now, what if the machine loops? or mixes up the images? Will the mind detect that "hey, already dreamed this?? and create a different dream for each iteration of the loop? will the repetition gets you on the deeper state of unconsciousness?

Studies have shown the mind cannot distinguish from what happened vs what was imagined; could this machine implant a thought into my mind, something like training me on a skill, a-la Matrix? That would require a more physical interface to my mind other than just the sound and scents.

Well... I can dream, can't I?

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